Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

July 19, 2010

Oopsie-daisy, neglecting my blog for almost two months.
Bad Tessy.

Not much has occurred over the holidays, I slept a lot, I ate a lot, I played a lot of video games.

I’ve been introduced to the escapist chat, I’ve known of the escapist magazine for a long time now, and always visited it for Zero Punctuation but never actually had a profile.

Considering most of the people on there are American, I think the recent addiction to the chat can be widely blamed for most of my lack of sleep.

However this will not stop me from constantly visiting said chat, as it’s pretty darn fun.

May 31, 2010

I feel somewhat idiotic posting these updates for the zero-strong audience of mine.

Somewhere in the back of my head is the collective voice of Anon shouting ‘Not your personal diary!’

May 24, 2010

Recently I came across seasons 2 & 3 of one of my favourite shows, 30 Rock.

It’s hard to say exactly what it is about 30 Rock that makes me love it so very much. It could be that the main protagonist is a single female who writes for a comedy show (a job I once hoped to have in my future), perhaps it’s the many cameo appearences made by actors I love. Maybe it’s just really damned funny.

Whatever it is about 30 Rock, I managed to watch two seasons of it in an afternoon.

Now that’s skill.

May 22, 2010

Content warning: This post contains deep thought and may shock some viewers. Alcohol consumption is advised.

Today I had an epiphany. I answered the age-old, un-answerable question, “What is the meaning of life?”.
My answer is not profound. It is not “To live, love and learn”, it is not “To question”. It is, “To live long enough to make babies”.

Consider this: onions. Onions do not have conscious thought or feeling (or so we assume, poor little onions), all they do is grow, spawn, die. And they have a wicked method of survival (this being “Blind them aaaallll!”), so, with no other reason to survive (love and happiness being outruled by the whole, no-conscious-thought deal) it can only be assumed that they are there to live long enough to provide us with more onions, as many as they can.

So how are we different from onions?
Sure, we think and feel, we have problems and we work together to solve them, we work and learn, but all-in-all this is irrelevant, because most humans end up living long enough to make (and nurture) babies, and then they kick the proverbial bucket and high-tail it to whatever ethereal realm they believe in.

I recently presented this idea to a friend, who – with a pained look on their face – said ‘Sounds a bit complicated.’

Of course! thought I, How stupid, nothing so complicated could belong in this amazingly simple world of hours. And with the thought dismissed I stepped into my explosion-powered vehicle and headed home.

May 10, 2010

I have an abundance of alcohol sitting on my desk.

I’m also researching absinthe lollipops.


May 3, 2010

Last night, on a whim, I deactivated my Facebook account.

I imagine tomorrow sometime around 11.30 pm I’ll descend into a stupor not unlike Johnny from The Shining, ‘All work and no Facebook makes Fury a dull girl’.

I wonder if we have an axe handy.

April 21, 2010

It’s hard to sleep tonight.
I’m alone all day tomorrow, I might make an effort to take some photos.

Lacking inspiration lately.

April 19, 2010

I haven’t got much to write today, so I’ll just ramble on for a second about some inane topic that nobody else really cares about.
I am going to be 18 in 6 days.
I will legally be allowed to drink alcohol, buy alcohol and… you know, other stuff that’s less important than alcohol.
I am so terribly excited.